Tínhamos tudo para dar errado, e continuamos a dar certo, há nossa maneira, com as nossas regras (isto é sem regras).
Tantos anos, tantos episódios, tantas palavras, tantos silêncios, tantos sorrisos..."You make me very happy. - Yeah, yeah... put it in writing."
Tantos telefonemas, até cartas, presentes..."From now on you'll be my man-friend."
Tantas incertezas..."So you and me... Then maybe this is for real? - Could be..."
Tantos sentimentos, tantos desencontros..."It took me a really long time to get here, but I'm here. You're the one."
Tantos acidentes de percurso, tanto respeito..."But if you think she really is... happy... well, then I wouldn't want to wreck that for her, and I'll be history."
Tanta cumplicidade..."Abso-fucking-lutely"
Tantas desistências, tantos 2º, 3º e 4º plano..."You're the loves of her life, and a guy would be lucky to come in fourth."
Tantas suposições..."Listen. I know what you're really pissed off about. But it's just something I've gotta do in my own time! Okay? Well, I fucking love you! All right? You know I do.... It's just a tough thing for me to say, because it always seems to get me in trouble ... when I say it. Okay? - Okay."
Tanta hesitação... "I have a huge favor to ask: I want you to know my friends better. - I know your friends just fine. Charlotte is the brunette, Miranda is the redhead, and Samantha is trouble."
Tantas criancices ..."I've done the merry go round I've been through the revolving door I feel like I met somebody I can stand still with for a minute and... don't you wanna stand still with me? - You dragged me out to a park at three in the morning to ask me if I wanna stand still with you? - ...Yes."
Tantas horas de distância, tantos fusos horários..."It's after twelve. You're late. - Not really, I'm on London time. - London is five hours ahead. - In that case, I'm really fucking late."
Tanta certeza..."Stay. - I can't. - Why not? - Because, dear friend, you and I are like that red wall. It's a good idea in theory, but somehow it doesn't quite work."
E no final de tudo, será que algum dia, alguma noite... em algum momento será o final? No final... "Should we get you a diamond? - No. No. Just get me a really big closet."
Depois tanto espaço na minha vida... ou me arranjas um espaço enorme num closet ... ou nada feito :)
You are my Mr. Big :)